Just a very good reminder as most times we do forget !!

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WHAT TO DO IF STOPPED BY MALAYSIAN POLICE This is is very useful information. Please pass it on to your friends and family………….especially the women folk!The next time you are stopped by persons who claimed they are plain clothes police, you are under no obligation to answer their questions or follow their orders, lawyers said today.

‘Policeman who is not wearing his uniform does not have the authority to stop anyone,’ lawyer and human rights activist Sivarasa Rasiah said.

Procedures to follow in the event you are stopped by uniformed police Officers while driving:

1. Stop the car and wind down your window.
2. If the police officers ask for your documents, request to see their IDs first.
3. If you are satisfied about their identity, ask them if you are being summoned, and for what offence.
4. Produce your identity card and driver’s license and wait to collect your summon ticket.

In the event that the police officers ask you to follow them to the police station:

1. Ask if you are under arrest and for what offence.
2. If you are not under arrest, you have the right to leave.

In the event you are flagged down by persons you believe could be plain clothes police:

1. Do not stop because plain clothes police officers do not have the authority to stop you.
2. Drive to the nearest police station and lodge a report. (The same procedure applies to pedestrians)

In the event the police come to your house:

1. Do not let them in before checking their IDs.
2. If you are not satisfied, phone the nearest police station and confirm if they had been sent to your house…
3. You are under no obligation to allow them into the house if they don’t have a search warrant.
4. Do not go with them if you are not under arrest.

In the event persons who claimed to be plain clothes police come to your house:

1. Do not let him in because they do not have the authority to do so.
2. Lodge a report at the nearest police station.

Sivarasa was commenting on the alleged gang-rape of an 18-year-old Uni student by four men claiming to be police officers on New  Year’s Eve.

The girl said that her car was stopped in Taman Tun Dr Ismail in Kuala Lumpur and were asked by the men to open the car bonnet. She was then told that she had committed an offence and ordered to follow the men to a police station. The girl was driven in her car along the North-South expressway to the Tapah-Cameron Highlands road before she was raped in an oil palm estate.

This incident, and many others, have sparked confusion over the procedures which motorists must follow when flagged down by the police. The most common problem is that most people take instructions without determining if the other person is really a cop,’ lawyer Annie Santiago said.

However, if you are stopped by a uniformed policeman, then you are required to stop. But you need not get out of the car because you are not expected to do so, Santiago said. He other rule to follow is to provide  your identity card only when you are asked to do so. ‘Even then, you should get his ID first to confirm if he is a cop. There is no harm in calling the relevant police station to verify if he is supposed to be on duty that day,’ Sivarasa said..

Both lawyers said that motorists should never follow an officer to the police station unless one is under arrest . ‘If you are not sure, and your instincts tell you that something is wrong, then drive off to the nearest police station and lodge a report,’ Sivarasa said.

In response to the alleged gang-rape of the 18-year-old, Women’s Aid Organisation executive-secretary Ivy Josiah called on the police to launch an education program to teach the public about their rights to prevent them from being victimised by bogus police officers.




生活智典 No Comments

Subject: 明眼穴 – 重要又好用! (老花及近視)



現在他已不帶眼鏡有空就按! 祝您美麗又健康!



 明眼穴 試試看明眼穴的按摩,保證您會耳聰目明












Wonderful? !

生活智典 No Comments

Subject:  Made from corn skin           玉粟薯皮做成的。。。


生活智典 No Comments

你改变不了环境 ,但你可以改变自己。。。
你改变不了事实 ,但你可以改变态度。。。

你改变不了过去 ,但你可以改变现在。。。

你控制不了他人 ,但你可以掌握自己。。。

你不可以事事顺利 ,但你可以事事尽心。。。

你不能左右天气 ,但你可以改变心情。。。

你不能选择容貌 ,但你可以展现笑容。。。



Uncategorized, 生活智典 No Comments


1.     吃了辣的東西,感覺就要被辣死了,就往嘴裏放上少許鹽,含一下,吐掉,漱下口,就不辣了;

2.     牙齒黃,可以把花生嚼碎後含在嘴裏,并刷牙三分鍾,很有效;

3.     若有小面積皮膚損傷或者燒傷、燙傷,抹上少許牙膏,可立即止血止痛;

4.     經常裝茶的杯子裏面留下難看的茶漬,用牙膏洗之,非常幹淨;

5.     仰頭點眼藥水時微微張嘴,這樣眼睛就不會亂眨了;

6.     嘴裏有潰瘍,就用維生素C貼在潰瘍處,等它溶化後潰瘍基本就好了;

7.     眼睛進了小灰塵,閉上眼睛用力咳嗽幾下,灰塵就會自己出來;

8.     洗完臉後,用手指沾些細鹽在鼻頭兩側輕輕按摩,然後再用清水沖洗,黑頭和粉刺就會清除幹淨,毛細孔也小; 

9.     剛剛被蚊子咬完時,塗上肥皂就不會癢了;

10.   如果嗓子、牙龈發炎了,晚上把西瓜切成小塊,沾着鹽吃,記得一定要是晚上,當時症狀就會減輕,第二 天就 好了;

11.   吹風機對着标簽吹,等吹到商标的膠熱了,就可以很容易的把标簽撕下來;

12.   旅行帶衣服時如果怕壓起褶皺,可以把每件衣服都卷成卷; 

13.   打打嗝時就喝點醋,立杆見影;

14.   吃了有異味的東西,如大蒜、臭豆腐,吃幾顆花生米就好了;

15.   治療咳嗽,特别是幹咳,晚上睡覺前,用純芝麻香油煎雞蛋,油放稍多些,什麽調味料都不要放,趁熱吃過           


16.   手腕長粗的MM想帶較細的手镯,就不能硬帶,應把手上套上一個塑料袋再帶上手镯,非常好帶,也不會把

        手弄 疼,取下也是同樣的方法;

 17.   栗子皮難剝,先把外殼剝掉,再把它放進微波爐轉一下,拿出後趁熱一搓,皮就掉了;

 18.   插花時,在水裏滴上一滴洗潔精,可以維持好幾天;

19.    把核桃放進鍋裏蒸十分鍾,取出放在涼水裏再砸開,就能取出完整的桃核仁了;

20.   把蝦仁放進碗裏,加一點精鹽、食用堿粉,用手抓搓一會兒後用清水浸泡,然後再用清水沖洗,即能使

         炒 出 的蝦 仁透明如 水晶,爽嫩可口;

21.    炒肉時,先把肉用小蘇打水浸泡十幾分鍾,倒掉水,再入味,炒出來會很嫩滑;

22.   将殘茶葉浸入水中數天後,澆在植物根部,可促進植物生長;

23.   把殘茶葉曬幹,放到廁所或者溝渠裏燃熏,可消除惡臭,具有驅除蚊子蒼蠅的功能;

24.    夾生飯重煮法:可用筷子在飯内紮些直通鍋底的孔,灑入少許黃酒重焖,

25.    若隻表面夾生,隻要将表層翻到中間再焖即可;

26.    巧除紗窗油膩:将洗衣服、吸煙剩下的煙頭一起放在水裏,待溶解後,拿來擦玻璃窗、紗窗,效果


27.    只要在珠寶盒中放上一節小小的粉筆,即可讓首飾常保光澤;

28.    桌子、瓶子表面的不幹膠痕迹用風油精可以擦拭;

29.    出門時随時在包裏帶一節小的幹電池,若裙子帶靜電,就把電池的正極在裙子上面擦幾下即可去


30.   不管是鞋子的哪個地方磨到了你的腳,你就在鞋子磨腳的地方塗一點點白酒,保證就不磨腳了;

31.   亨調蔬菜時,如果必須要焯,焯好菜的水最好盡量利用。如做水餃的菜,焯好的水可适量放在肉餡

        裏, 這 樣 既保證營養, 又使水餃餡味美有湯;

32.   夏天足部容易出汗,每天用淡鹽水泡腳可有效應對汗腳;

33.   夏天遊泳後曬曬太陽,可防肌膚勞損等疾病發生;>

34.   夏天枕頭易受潮滋生黴菌,時常曝曬枕芯有利健康;

35.   多吃薏米小豆粥等潮濕健脾,可防暑濕;

36.   防失眠:睡前少講太多話,忌飲濃茶,睡前勿大用腦,可用熱水加醋洗腳;

37.   金銀花有疏散風濕功效,金銀花水煎取汁涼後與蜂蜜沖調可解暑;

38.   吃過于肥膩的食物後喝茶,能刺激自律神經,促進脂肪代謝;

39.  睡眠不足會變笨,一天需要睡眠八小時,有午睡習慣可延緩衰老;